“能够和真心相爱的人在一起,又有谁会觉得不幸福呢?” 还记得,阿辰总是把这句话挂在嘴边。 无论是笑著、哭著还是紧紧抱著我的时候。 她喜欢我,我也喜欢她。只是我不确定我说的喜欢是不是她对我的那种感觉..
广告位 300*250
- Prologue- Fall.
- Chapter-1 you and me.(1)
- Chapter-1 you and me.(2)
- Chapter-1 you and me.(3)
- Chapter-2 love and die.(1)
- Chapter-2 love and die.(2)
- Chapter-2 love and die.(3)
- Chapter-3 seek and wait.(1)
- Chapter-3 seek and wait.-(2)
- Chapter-3 seek and wait-(3)
- Chapter-3 seek and wait-(4)
- Chapter-4 secret and dodge.(1)
- Chapter-4 secret and dodge.(2)
- Chapter-4 secret and dodge.(3)
- Chapter-4 secret and dodge.(4)
- Final Chapter Messages.
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